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Top Myths About E-procurement

Are you trying to implement E-procurement? Like most of the professionals out there, you can also be one of them who is not completely sure that if it would prove to be right for your business. This can be mainly because there are several common myths which you may have heard or read about from various sources.

As a matter of fact, this digital innovation is being affected by misunderstandings, so here we are to list out five of the most common myths which are underlined with E-procurement and break down the truth hidden behind them. We hope that with our article, you will be helped to make a more wise decision and have a clear idea about the complete process.

E-procurement Software is very complicated

Undoubtedly the most common myth that you will get to hear. It is absolutely true that it is always hard to learn something new like for example none of us knew how to swim since our birth, we have simply learned and acquired these skills. And the same thing prevails with E-procurement software too. You may find it a little bit hard to use at the beginning but with some training, time and most importantly a little bit of patience you will master it. And once you have mastered it, you will be easily able to enjoy the benefits which are worth spending the learning hours.

E-procurement Software damages your supplier relationships

the second most common myth which has held back various users from adopting E-procurement software. But the truth which lies behind this is that with good software, your supplier relationships won't be affected. The top software will automate your procurement process which will allow you to spend more time talking with your suppliers in constructive conversations.

adding to that, it offers you clear insights into how your relationships are working out. You will be able to get a clear overview of details like length of delivery time, the number of orders placed during a specified time and many others. At the same time, digitization of the procurement process can also help you to create a more competitive environment.

There is a requirement of a strong IT Support

There is a belief that anything that is associated with computers, requires an on-site expert, but this is highly wrong. There may be some e-procurement solutions that require technical knowledge, but there are plenty of others that don't require any robust technical knowledge. Some solutions are also cloud-based so they have a dedicated team working from your solution's offices for helping you with your problems. All of these together help you to keep your costs down for maintaining a great E-procurement system.

E-Procurement is very expensive

Every investment which you make for your business is very expensive, but the focus should lie on what potential rewards you are likely to receive in return. With an e-procurement software, you can cut save around 40% on your supplies and use that savings to pay for the software and also making a big difference in your business. You can also reinvest it in more stock for obtaining better rates, payback creditors, train staff for better productivity, or launch a marketing campaign to generate more revenue.

Lose out on key suppliers

This is a very baseless myth as suppliers will readily welcome E-procurement as it helps them to keep your business and to get more business. By signing up for an E-Procurement solution, you can ask your suppliers to join too. You can sell the potential benefits to them, including more regular and accurate ordering of supplies and also reach out to new potential customers and there is no reason for them to not sign up at the same time.

We have highlighted the most common myths which may have made you worried. But if you still have any other doubts about adopting E-procurement, then don't forget to let us know.

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